Wednesday, July 05, 2006


There were no fireworks for me last night; I really didn't feel like going out, but I did do a little MSNing...

nate is ____ says:
what, you don't like Wisconsin??

[ Shaz ] Khalas! YAY ITALY!!! says:
I do love ur cheeses, but I see no need to leave the ocean

nate is ____ says:
we have great lakes...

nate is ____ says:
they're like the ocean but they fit in your pocket

[ Shaz ] Khalas! YAY ITALY!!! says:
I don't want wet jeans!

nate is ____ says:
well then I cant send you the pics of me

nate is ____ says:
...think about it

[ Shaz ] Khalas! YAY ITALY!!! says:

[ Shaz ] Khalas! YAY ITALY!!! says:
and who said I'd be in my jeans when I looked at them?

nate is ____ says:
who said you'd be in jeans when your in Wisconsin?

[ Shaz ] Khalas! YAY ITALY!!! says:

nate is ____ says:
lets just say... no matter what your wearing seeing me will make you wet

nate is ____ says:

[ Shaz ] Khalas! YAY ITALY!!! says:
yeah u wish

nate is ____ says:
yea...I couldn't even make a girl wet with a super-soaker...

[ Shaz ] Khalas! YAY ITALY!!! says: