Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Too tired to keep writing

I just got out of the shower after a morning or work that seemed to last forever. I didn't get any sleep last night; not even a short little rest. Late last night I got a call to come out to a small party on the other end of town. "Oh, and bring any illegal substances you have with you!" So I loaded up a backpack with beer and was off. I didn't return back home until 4:45 this morning where I quickly ate the gas station hamburger I needed to have and loaded up on some caffeine. Then it was out the door where I nearly fell asleep while driving to work. Once I got there everything seemed to take for fucking ever...
My contacts have been in my eyes for much longer than they should be; since very early yesterday morning). They have that gross thick feeling to them and I really should be taking them out. Iv heard that a person can get sores on their eyes if they keep their contacts in for too long. Im not sure if I believe it; but im not about to test it.

Because I am a total loser I upgraded my blogshares account to become a "premium member"... I feel like such a nerd; but I really don't care. And now I have a long afternoon of sleeping to look forward to...