Wednesday, June 28, 2006

We all fall down

I slept all afternoon yesterday. Not on purpose, I only wanted to get a couple hours; the next thing I know im waking up and I have 10 minutes before I have to get back to work. Oh well, I needed the sleep I guess...

So the other day I got an email from another blogshares addict who was pissed that I bought up some shares that he wanted to buy. Being me, I did it again yesterday and he sent another email:

Thanks again for taking more shares today. How would you feel if I voted all your best stocks and HTO them?

Talk Soon
I think it was supposed to be a threat, but I really have no idea what the fuck any of that shit means. And besides, blogshares is a FUCKING GAME!! This guy seems to take this shit very seriously. Games need some competition to make them fun and interesting so that's how I justify taking shares out from under people's noses.

Tonight is my one night off of work. Lately iv only been getting one night per week off so I kind of want to go out and do something. Something as in 'going to see the new Superman movie' something! Ever since I was a little kid I loved the Superman movies and cartoons, so im looking forward to this new movie. I am, on the other hand, a bit conflicted; I HATE it when good movies are ruined by having a shitty sequel. This movie better kick ass or I will be totally pissed off and maybe even cry a little... Ok, so maybe I wont cry if its bad(maybe), but I will be really pissed off

Right now im watching 'Back to the Future Part II' and im thinking, "Is this really what people thought the year 2015 would be like back in 1985?"