The gallery emptied into large desolate hallway. The art patrons, proud parents, and casual wanderers were already seated in the opera house awaiting the start of the symphony. To my right was a long table filled with intermission delights, mostly store bought cookies but the aroma was intoxicating none-the-less. I was hungry but my apatite had been poor the past couple days so I walked on. Then it started. To the left of me was the opera house door and from the cracks and gaps around them poured the sound. I stopped and as I often do closed my eyes and allowed myself to truly hear. Sound is merely vibrations in the air and I could fell them all over my body. They penetrate the skin and reach the core. My ears had little to do with what I was hearing. The feeling of being alone in the hallway (and life in general) was gone. There was sound everywhere, vibrating, bouncing, penetrating. It filled every part of the hallway and it no longer appeared as empty and desolate, I no longer felt empty or desolate or even hungry. I stood there for no longer than a second or two, a moment exists in infinity. I walked out the door in the cold and headed for home. It wasn't the music but the sound.
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