Thursday, October 11, 2007

taking its toll

I haven't been eating well, when I do eat that is. Being without any sort of stable place of residence takes its toll on me, mentally and physically. I used to be like going to work, but now that I know it'll take me an hour of straight driving to get home going to work stresses me out.

Iv been waking up these past few days from unpleasant dreams, unsure if they're the reason I feel like shit or the fact that it's been nearly a day since I've eaten anything remotely substantial. This will likely all pass once I get settled into a new place, if that happens. I don't always remember the dreams, only that they were shitty...

The weather has taken a turn for the cold. On Monday it was sunny and warm. As if someone simply turned off the heat it was all gone and I'm forced to bundle up when going outside.

I need a vacation.