Thursday, March 01, 2007

if only I could remember things

So Iv been a bit busy lately and Iv finally dusted off my camera and did my thing. When I sit down to finally write a post after a couples days of excitementality, adventurisms and new cleverocities everything that I thought about writing just vanishes out of my mind and I'm left sitting here making up words again.

If I'm going to go through with attempting to write a book I'm going to need a digital recorder because the thoughts come to me faster than I can write them down.

There is someone down the hall from me yelling and slamming doors. As soon as I hear the word fight!! I gotta grab my camera and get out there.
Nicole: "I'm Asian, I should be good at DDR!"
Nate: "HAHAHA!!!"

Iv been spending a lot of my free time with Nicole, and because my day is 90% free time we've been hanging out a lot.

We've been getting snow out the ass lately! It's fucking crazy, two weeks ago it was nice and sunny and most of the snow had melted but can things stay this way?! NO!! in the past week we've had like 3 blizzards and the winter is back full force.
It's a shark... and it's exactly what it looks like.
I can't play DDR to save my life, let alone Halo...

I'm not sure what it is with me and taking photos of light fixtures.

I drunkenly fought the shark with my stream of justice. I'm kind of like a superhero...
I was on the radio again last night. This time I promoted a book that is as of yet just a thought in the back of my mind. But I got some Matthew Good and Bright Eyes played on the campus station so that was pretty cool.