Thursday, August 24, 2006

As an old memory

Im posting a bit late in the day... Later than I usually do anyways.

its been a long fucking day.

Working in the morning went late... BUT I got a raise today... So that's fucking sweet.

went out for some Chinese and sushi for lunch... Ate too much

came home from lunch and passed out from being too full and too tired... Almost woke up late for work

work sucked more than usual and took longer than it should have

my brother, Jake, called... Me, him, our friend Justin and his fiance* Sarah are going to Six Flags next weekend... Awesome.

Justin, an old friend, just got back home from Iraq after George W Bush thought it would be fun for thousands of Americans to go vacationing there (with guns...). His fiance*, and my best friend, Sarah is very happy of course and she talked my ear off about him being back the other day... She's added to the list of people getting married very young, but is one of the only ones that I don't have a problem with. Iv known her and Justin before they even knew each other... They're good together.

I needs me some fucking sleep... I just put a ton of Nirvana and a KT Tunstall album in my iPod... Nice...

*A "fiance" is defined as "a man engaged to be married, or a man to whom a woman is engaged" so what is a woman engaged to be married called??