Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I cream, you cream, we all cream for I scream

Post number 400! I know that no one but me really cares, so fuck off. Im still surprised that I haven't given up on blogging or gotten bored with it.
I got the bill from my latest dentist appointment the other day... $150!!! FOR WHAT? I was on the fucking dentist chair for no more than 30 minutes. The actual dentist was in the room for less than 5 of those minutes. She walked in did her "Oh hello Nathan, it's been a while..." looked at my x-ray poked her fingers in my fucking mouth and said "Well everything looks fine in there; keep up the good work!" and she was gone! ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY FUCKING DOLLARS FOR THAT!! That comes out to be over $300 a fucking hour! Hell, I could have went to Madison and got a hooker that would have lasted twice as long as my trip to the dentist; at least THAT would have been gratifying!

I need a new hobby. Not to replace blogging, but to give myself a little more to do during the day... and masturbation doesn't count as a hobby.

I cut my nails the other day and I cut my thumb nail too short and I got it caught on something. The nail has ripped up for the skin a little. Its not that it really hurt to the point where I cant use my thumb or anything, its just a painful little annoyance that I cant get rid of...