Wednesday, April 19, 2006

My head was killing me today so I skipped out of class to sleep... It didn't really help; but it didn't hurt either.

what is it lately with people over reacting to shit??? Is there a full moon or something? I said one little thing to my dad yesterday and he flipped; others have been acting in similar fashions. I just cant wait to go on vacation this summer, it will be the first real vacation ill have without any family or people I know from here with me.

I hate is when people ask me to hang out, im a busy guy... Why should I spend two hours out of the month hanging out with someone else other than the people I see all the time? (sarcasm) Imagine, if you will, someone hanging on a cliff and you need to help them up before they fall. Do you a) wait for them to ask you to help them up? Or b) take the initiative to put your hand out without being asked first?

I really just want this fucking head cold/ear ache to go away before the weekend so I can try to get out and have a good time... But what will end up happening is that ill end up here alone just like last weekend, and the one before that, and the one before that... Oh well, iv asked for this I guess, I have to take what I get.

Lately iv been listen to a lot of Radiohead again, and comparing their first album "Pablo Honey" to there latest one "Hail to the Thief"; damn they came a long way! I love taking a week to listen to all of there albums and hear the evolution of there stuff... I cant wait for the new one to come out!