Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Iv been in the computer lab for about 30 minutes now and iv already went thought my usual routine of reading thought updated blogs and checking out myspace to see how many messages I didn't get.

some old guy who looks like a turtle just walked thought and I made eye contact with him and unknowingly at the time made a weird look.

I have a quiz in my psych class today at 1. I hope its one of those things where once your finished you can leave. I like that class, but if I had the choice to be there or at home doing something else... Well id rather be home.

I talked with my mom about what I would do if I won to lottery. I told her that once I win, I would never go back to school. "what about getting a degree in something?" she asked. To which I replied "id be fucking rich, why would I need a degree and school to hold be back from just going and doing what I want to do?" she wasn't to happy with that answer.

Today im listening to the Stills: Logic will break your heart, its really good. Jake has been gone for about two weeks so iv taken it upon myself to raid his CD collection.

sometimes I feel like just deleting my blog... im not sure why. Frankly im quite surprised iv kept up with it for so long, usually I would have quit. Cause really what's the point of writing here? There is no real gain. I guess some things don't need to have a point... They just are.