Iv been suffering from sever cronohemorrhaging. Late nights at the club and power-naps make my days all fucked up.
"Was that yesterday? I thought it was a fuckin' week ago already..." - A common phrase from someone suffering from a cronohemorrhage.
I helped Nic move back home this weekend so I'm currently recovering from my lack of weekend sleep.
Because I only work late at night Thursday through Sunday I have a lot of free time. One would that that free time kicks ass right? Wrong, I'm bored. So bored that I actually just clean and organized the bedroom.
Living at Nic's mom's means that our smoking has become covert for the time being. I don't mind too much, but every so often I just wanna step out for a smoke but I can't in fear of the ever watchful eye of my girlfriends mother. Not to make her out to be a hard ass. She has been very sweet and generous. Me living here was practically her idea to begin with.
I bought a grill the other day. Why? Cause grilling kicks ass that's why.
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