Monday, August 07, 2006

Convenient parking

The party Saturday night was nice. About two hours of it was spent running through corn fields hiding from cops. It was quite the adventure indeed. I showed up already drunk and was there no more than 15 minutes before having to scatter out in fear of getting an underage ticket. We got about a mile away then got a call saying the party was back on. I didn't want the night to be a waste so we walked back to the party. Everything a car would be coming we'd have to duck into the corn fields. Fun shit...
Iv started packing for Canada. I'll most likely be internet MIA until I get back. Im not sure what everyone will do without me posting for a whole week. It will be chaos im sure.
If I had money I would buy an old run-down factory building. Im not sure why or what for I've just always wanted one. There is one in town that I went and checked out the other day. It appears as if it hasn't been in use in over 10 years. The owners might as well just give it to me if as long as its just sitting there.