When I left for work this morning I knew that when I got home I would no longer have a little sister. It was a sad thought indeed. Gift left for Thailand while I was working. Before heading off to work I made sure to swing by her room and talk to her. We said our good byes, hugged, and went our separate ways. When and if I'll ever see her again, im not sure; but I will miss her. I'll miss her food, the way she would say 'bish' cause she couldn't pronounce 'bitch', the way she would ask questions like what does 'douche' mean, and just her happy personality. Good bye Gift... On a 'damn-this-fucker-is-weird-note', I bought more shaving cream and finished my little project in my pants... Well, not little, but you know what im saying.
Im thinking about quitting smoking cigarettes once I get back from vacation. I smoked too much this weekend and I hate waking up with the taste of cigarette smoke in my mouth. It's not that im hooked on them or anything. Iv gone weeks with out a single smoke and with out the urge to have one. It's really just been something to do... But it's getting old.
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