Tuesday, July 25, 2006

So long Hor

So our little hick town carnival did so bad that they may never have it again. And if you ask me, its about fucking time our town did away with this thing. It's a total waste of money and makes us look horrible compared to surrounding communities. They put up a tent and hired a band for $200 to come and play... just a shitty cover band, but that's what all the little town fairs have. Anyways they spend $200 on this band and only 15 people showed up at $5 a head. 15 people on a Friday night!! How pathetic is that? Our town lost a lot of money, money that they could have given to me... When I first moved here, 11 years ago the fair was much larger with twice the rides and twice the games. Back then, they made money... now, they are fucking idiots.

I hate this fucking town that's actually going backwards. Every city around us is growing and bringing in industries and business are thriving. But here, its the opposite. Here the people in charge fear change and never let anything grow or try anything new. So now our town is dying... and good riddance.