Friday, June 02, 2006

If I only had a brain.

My night off was nothing thrilling, yet it was better than going to work of course. I went with Lloyd to get a new car stereo put in his car. While waiting for all that shit to get done with (which took way to fucking long!) I browsed thought the CD collection and Best Buy and found some old Bright Eyes and Modest Mouse CDs. Of course, without hesitation I picked them up.

I walked out of my house at 5 this morning to go to work only to find that one of my new front tires was flatter than some of the girls I went to high school with...

To my horror their was country music playing at work this morning. I knew it would happen; it always does after I have a night off. Yet I held on the a shred of hope that the rock station would still be playing strong. That shred was cut into thousands of little bit too small to tie my hopes back up.

Country music, ALL COUNTRY MUSIC, is depressing and complete shit. The songs are either about being dumped and crushed by someone they loved; which is depressing. OR they are about being in love and happiness and everything working out; which, to me at least, is equally if not MORE depressing (iv grown bitter about that shit). So tonight I plan on getting to work early and changing the station before my boss has a chance to get at the radio. I will NOT listen to that shit anymore...