poison apple
After an unlucky night of bingo with some friends from work I decided to stop by my neighbor's apartment and see what the the ladies were up to. All three had off work and ones boyfriend had driven up for the night so it was time to drink and when a lady offers you a drink it would be rude to say no. Between me, one of my roommates and one of my neighbors we polished off the whole bottle of gin and then some. It went down so nicely with some 7up... too nicely. I had only eaten an apple earlier in the day, you can only imagine what the alcohol did to me with an empty stomach.
The rest of the night is a bit hazy, but I behaved myself.
In class this morning I was half hungover and half still drunk. All I could think about was getting a muffin and some of the delicious coffee they brew on campus. When class was over and I went to satisfy my craving I discovered there were no more blueberry muffins left. I was heart broken and had to settle with the banana nut instead.
Writing this I'm thinking to myself who honestly would want to read this?
I got another call yesterday for a job interview. I don't even remember filling the application out. Two jobs is enough for me right now. This next semester is going to kick my ass anyways, I don't wanna add to the work load. Although, at the suggestion of a friend at work, I put in an application to get a promotion for next semester. It's doing the same job but a couple more responsibilities, more hours and more money.
I'm not putting my hopes into it really and I don't expect to get it, but apparently it look very good in the future when reapplying for the position.
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