Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Went on a late night walk yesterday even though it was freezing out side. I wasn't really out to clear my head, because walking around town tends to make me think even more then I already do. But it is relaxing...

Im in a bit of a shitty mood right now. I feel like I have a lot of things I need to do today and I just don't wanna do them... well, I don't feel like I have a lot to do... I know I have a lot to do.
my day will go like this:
  • work
  • school; try to read articles for psych250, but blog and sit around instead
  • interview with former high school teacher for a paper I have to write
  • work again
  • stay up late for no real reason even though im dead tired
  • get up early for work again tomorrow (that's not today, but it adds to the stress)

so im in for a long day, and my Thursday will look just like today; I cant wait for that shit!