Im holding off on my orgy party this weekend because iv found plans that take me away from town for a while. Still a party, just not mine...
I realized that iv been trying to hard to hold onto the past, so im just going to let it go. If you hold on to the past for too long you begin to lose sight on the present and, in-turn, the future. Im not going avoid or deny the past and make it to be something that it wasn't, just let it be what it was. It has become evident to me that there is nothing I can do to change or undo what has been done; as hard as I tried it was just no use. If things end up working out in the end, then great; but it wont upset me if they don't.
I got a B on my first philosophy exam!! I was so happy. The professor didn't hand them out right way, first he went over what he expected us to write. The whole time I was sitting there thinking "that is not at ALL what I did, I had to have failed..." There were a couple essays that I just BOMBED (90/200) and others that I did reasonably well on... If it weren't for the curve I probably would have gotten a C... But a B is all I ask.
All three of the exams that I took early last week produced B's... And because those are as of yet the only grades in those classes, that's what in getting. But my calculus grade is hovering around the 97% area because in a nerd....
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