Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I didn't do the paper interview today... Why? im not sure really...

I think my caffeine pills are curbing my appetite.

Thursday Jake asked if I wanted to move to La Cross (LAX) with him in August... He's putting off leaving for the west coast (Seattle) until Andrea is finished with college; so that's at least one more year. Iv thought about going to UW-LC since I graduated high school. It was in my top three schools to go to. Now im being given the opportunity to go and to get out of living in the dorms. The bitch of this is that I need to decide soon so I can get my transfer in. I guess, from what Jake said, Andrea could get me a job up there at Home Depot, where they will pay for part of my schooling... and apartments are cheap (from what iv heard)...

... I guess its all still up in the air; could I move out now? Sure... Do I want to? That's what I need to figure out.