Sunday, February 19, 2006

My internet is running slow because Jake's computer is taking up all the 'internet juice' from his downloading tons of shit...

I went to my friend's/ex-girlfriend's/neighbor's graduation party. At first I didn't want to and saw no reason why I should... But I was quilted into going my both Jake and my mom. I didn't expect to stay long; but not long turned into about 3 hours. There were other people I went to school with there, people I don't have a problem with, so it wasn't too bad. She wouldn't give me any beer...
I was able to throw out some jokes about when we dated; which was well over a year ago. And jokes about the guy she dated after me, who she is recently broke up with. I found them funny, I don't think she did to much; but she was a good sport about it. Before we ever dated we were friends and now were kind of friends again. She goes to the same college as me and we have a class together. It great having a class when someone I know, otherwise id have no one to annoy...