Monday, February 20, 2006

Iv made the switch from the social lab to the anti-social one... Not because I feel like being anti-social, but because it was fucking roasting in the other room.

I keep coming across pictures from raymi's blog party and wish that I could have went. Unfortunately I live no where near Toronto, so ill have to be content with seeing pictures of everyone else's good time...

Im hoping that i get my calculus test back today so i can skip the rest of class while the professor goes over it. That is given that I did good on it. But come on... of course I did... im like Good Will Hunting!

this morning it was -6 degrees F (about -21 degrees C), so yes, that's really fucking cold! And like every morning I had to be at work at 5. Today, the defroster in my car wasn't working... I had no heat... Terrific! Turns out that my anti-lock breaking system (ABS) is on and it wont turn off. Its taking up all the energy that would normally be going to the AC...

So I damn near froze to death on the way to work, not to mention that I couldn't see where I was going.