I had a nice long chat with raymi today. Because im to lazy to post the conversation on here, you'll have to go to her blog if you really wanna read it. And you DO wanna read it.
On a related note: iv gotten more hits here then I think I ever have. But none of you lurkers commented!!
I had a massive headache on the way home and to top it off I got stuck behind a nice slow truck...
Here's how my driving works: I tend to go about 10 mph over the speed limit, and if I come up on someone who is going slower than me, I get frustrated cause I wanna go fast and not have to watch out for people ahead of me... BUT if you come up on my while im going my usual fast speed and wanna go faster, be my guest. I wont get mad at someone who is driving too close, cause they are like me, they wanna drive and get there fast.
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