Thursday, September 29, 2005

money money money money...... MONEY

i went into the campus bookstore about 10 minutes ago and found out that i over paid for all my books. there was some sorta fuck-up down the line and all the books were over charged. so now ill be getting a check in the mail for about $70... kick ass... i know it shouldnt really mean anything,,, i didnt really make any money, it was mine to start with, but just the fact that im getting that money back is making today a good day... but im sure it will just go into my gas tank and be burned up in about two weeks, but still thats not bad...

my eating habbits lately include a caffeen pill and granola bar for breakfast, and usual for lunch too, some days there just isnt really time to eat... well the caffeen pill isnt really eating, and there isnt a nutritional value to it, but it keeps me awake for the drive to school... even as i type this i can feel myself start to slow down and feel the need for something to perk me up...

you know when your really tired and you can feel it in your eyes,,, that urge to just shut them and pass out... thats what i feel thourght most of my day. i just got done with my eng102 class, and i well falling in and out of sleep the whole time, i nearly fell out of my seat, i suppose i can only go so long on 4 hours of sleep a day