Biological and cultural consequences
- Consumed more alcohol than I had thought possible
- Quit drinking
- Started smoking
- Quit smoking
- Abandoned most of my friends in one way or another
- Missed having pets
- Consumed massive amounts of coffee
- Constantly daydreamed of being done with my bachelors degree
- Daydreamed of July when I make my move to Phoenix
- Worked full time while trying to go to school full time
- Realized I'm making about half as much as my coworkers while being praised for doing a better job and asked to show people who make more than I do how to do as well as myself
- Found out that I have to pay hundreds in federal back-taxes
- Started donating plasma (donating for about $250/month)
- Was rejected at the bars before a single word was said
- Stopped going to to bars
- Cursed the cold gray days and the weather's inability to make up its mind
- Discovered Craigslist
- Ignored blogging
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